Drinking Games
Drinking Games from publishers Summersdale has 52 uproarious drinking games that are guaranteed to get the party started, and all in a playing cards sized box.
Drinking Games from publishers Summersdale has 52 uproarious drinking games that are guaranteed to get the party started, and all in a playing cards sized box.
Travel Distilled reviews Distilled in Washington by Becky Garrison, an entertaining account of distilling in Washington State, from history to the present day.
Travel Distilled reviews The Cocktail Deck, a neat pocket gift idea for home bartenders that provides 52 classic and modern cocktail recipes like playing cards.
Travel Distilled reviews The Little Book for Cocktail Lovers by Rufus Cavendish, packed with cocktail recipes, ideas, information, trivia and fun!
This Cognac travel guide, Cognac (and Jarnac) Distilled, covers not only distillery visits but also other attractions, where to stay and where to eat and drink.
This Islay travel guide, Islay Distilled, covers not only distillery visits but also Islay’s other attractions, as well as where to stay and where to eat.
The Craft Distillers’ Handbook is an excellent guide to craft distilling in the UK, whether you want to do it at home or are thinking of going into business.
If you want to know how to make gin, either at home or to start a micro-distillery, then Craft Gin Making is the ideal guide to teach you gin-making skills.
The Microdistillers’ Handbook tells you all you need to know about how to start your own distillery including learning the skills and finding the equipment.
Spirits of the Otherworld by Allison Crawbuck and Rhys Everett is A Grimoire of Occult Cocktails, where alcohol meets alchemy, and where spirits meet spirits!