Is there a right way to drink your bourbon or whiskey?
The short answer is yes, as this excellent video from The Bourbonite explains. There are four different ways to drink your bourbon, as well as four ways to properly enjoy it. You can drink whiskey mixed, on the rocks, with a splash of water, or neat. But no matter how you take your drink, there are four steps to enjoying it. First take a good whiff and enjoy the aroma. Then check out the color and appreciate the age (as well as the money you’ve just spent on that dram). Then sip and enjoy. Finally, repeat!
You’ll find a good selection of terrific bourbons at Caskers.
Travel Distilled brings you a classic Champagne Cocktail Recipe from Drinks and How to Make Them published by Yeatman’s Calisayine Cocktail Bitters in 1879
Travel Distilled looks at the increasing popularity of rum in Vietnam, with domestic varieties joining the popular imported brands in bars and restaurants.