Spirit of Wales Online Tasting
The Spirit of Wales Distillery in Newport, south Wales, runs online tasting sessions, which is a great way to try several spirits with the owner himself.
The Spirit of Wales Distillery in Newport, south Wales, runs online tasting sessions, which is a great way to try several spirits with the owner himself.
A tour of the Spirit of Wales Distillery in Newport in South Wales, and enjoying tastings of spiced rum, vodka and other tasty Welsh-made spirits.
A Paradiso Collins is an almost ready-to-drink cocktail (just add soda water) from the Silver Circle Distillery in South Wales.
Black Garlic Vodka is from the Silver Circle Distillery in South Wales, one of a growing number of Welsh craft distilleries producing unusual spirits.
Travel Distilled reviews Steeltown Welsh Vodka, one of several spirit releases from a new Welsh distillery, Spirit of Wales, in Newport.