Travel Distilled discovers how much of the American whiskey industry has its roots in Scotland.
When I travelled down the American Whiskey Trail, it was noticeable how much the Scots influenced the history of the US whiskey business. It started with my first stop at George Washington’s Distillery at Mount Vernon in Virginia, not far from Washington DC. It was a Scotsman who encouraged George Washington to open a distillery, which immediately became the biggest in the USA at that time.
Other distilleries along the trail had Scottish roots and connections, and I wrote a piece for the magazine of The Herald newspaper in Scotland, exploring those connections. Click on the image to see the piece.
Travel Distilled brings you a classic Champagne Cocktail Recipe from Drinks and How to Make Them published by Yeatman’s Calisayine Cocktail Bitters in 1879
Travel Distilled looks at the increasing popularity of rum in Vietnam, with domestic varieties joining the popular imported brands in bars and restaurants.