Work With Me

I write about travel and the drinks business. I’ve won many awards for my writing, including Online Travel Writer of the Year, and in addition to writing for newspapers, magazines and websites, I have worked with many organisations in a variety of ways.

Among the better-known corporate clients I have written for are such names as Microsoft, Google, National Geographic and American Express.

Recent projects include:

  • Working with Metaxa to rewrite their media packs and provide new material prior to an all-important launch in the Chinese market. It made sense to them to ask a journalist to write something that was largely aimed at journalists.
  • Working with Diageo writing features on rare and exceptional whiskies for a joint online project with Bloomberg.
  • Working for a US importer of Polish vodka to improve and expand their website and write monthly blogs about vodka.
  • Working with a Kentucky distillery writing two blogs a month about them and their spirits.
  • Writing two blogs a week for a large company that sells barrels and other spirits-related items for the home and for the home distiller.

Maybe you’d like to be Number One in Google and Bing search results, like some Travel Distilled pages are. Download and read this brochure to find out how that works.

I’m an Editorial Staff Writer on the US drinks magazine, Chilled, and many of the stories I write are profiles of distilleries and brands, which are advertising-led but I find the human interest stories that turn them into an enjoyable read. You can see lots of my Chilled stories here.

Maybe I could work with you too?

The Business of Blogging
One of the services I offer is the writing of original features and blog posts. Many brands and businesses start a blog because they know they ought to have one, but then lack the resources to keep it up-to-date. The answer is to outsource the work.

A blog that isn’t up-to-date is a good way to create a bad impression on a visitor to your website. If the blog was last updated 1-2 years ago, it suggests that the rest of the website may not be up-to-date either. A blog that was updated last week tells a very different story, and remember – you only get one chance to create a good first impression.

A blog that is regularly updated has many advantages, which is why more and more companies are starting blogs within their websites.

  • A website that is updated frequently alerts the search engines to the fact that the website is active and has new material, which keeps it higher in the search results.
  • Regular original blog content also tells the search engines that the site is growing, and a growing site also gets treated more favourably in search results.
  • Original blog content using good Search Engine Optimisation techniques also adds to the ways in which visitors can find you through Google, Bing and the other major search engines.

If you want me to produce original material for your blog on a regular basis then get in touch via my Contact page to discuss requirements and costs.

In addition I can work on promoting your blog posts on social media channels, or running your social media channels for you.

The Importance of Twitter
In the first quarter of 2015, Twitter reported that it had 236 million active monthly users. Active users. Over 200 million tweets are sent every single day. It’s estimated there are now over 500 million Twitter users around the world, and still growing.

It is a cheap and effective way of building your brand. Larger companies have staff whose sole job is to monitor and post to their Twitter accounts. They respond to tweets by the company’s followers, and generate original content to keep those followers loyal and to find new fans.

Smaller companies can’t usually afford that, and the job becomes an extra part-time chore for someone in the office. Or simply doesn’t get done at all. I’ve lost track of the number of companies I’ve found whose Twitter accounts started off hopefully and then trailed away and became inactive for months at a time.

My Twitter Services
This is where I come in. I’ve been active on Twitter for many years, running several Twitter accounts for myself and the websites that I publish. If you know you ought to be more active on Twitter but don’t have the time, the staff or the know-how, get in touch.

I’m happy to run Twitter campaigns for people, either ongoing or for a limited time so you can monitor results. I’ll tweet however many times a day or week you want me to tweet, though I can advise you on the best time. I also use professional services like HootSuite and Buffer to target the best times, and to set up a steady stream of tweets in advance.

How do you compare with these
Top Ten Spirits Brands on Social Media?

Tremendous story Mike! Fantastic lead and closing. As a PR person, I love you! As a travel writer, I hate you! Damn! I wish I could write leads like that. This article is about as good as it gets! We’ll promote it and get you (and us!) thousands of views.
– Rich Grant, Former Communications Director, and now freelance PR and writer, commenting on my piece The Train they Never Robbed, published on my travel page at The Huffington Post.

You’re fast becoming my favourite freelance!
– David Lofhouse, Lofthouse Enterprises, Destination Marketing.

This must be one of my favourite articles ever. I love it. It really took me back to the Metropolitan – such a special place.
– Viara Challier, Account Director for Kentucky UK, Ireland and Europe, referring to my piece 
BB King Stayed Here for the blog I used to have at Perceptive Travel.